Bylaws of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the International Literacy Association (ILA CL/R SIG)
Rev. July 16, 2017
ARTICLE I - Name and Area Served
The group shall be called the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group serving the interested members of the International Literacy Association (ILA).
ARTICLE II - Nature and Purposes
Section 1- Nature: The Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (ILA CL/R SIG) shall be a professional organization of individuals who are concerned with the improvement of literacy through literature.
Section 2 - Purpose: The purpose of this Special Interest Group shall be
ARTICLE III - Membership, Dues, and Participation
Section 1 - Eligibility: Membership in this special interest group shall be open to all members of ILA including classroom teachers, instructors, administrators, publishers, authors, parents, and others interested in children’s literature and using children’s books for literacy development.
Section 2 - Active Members: Membership in this special interest group shall become effective upon payment of dues for both ILA and the ILA CL/R SIG.
Section 3 - Group Dues: Dues for annual membership in this special interest group (equal to the amount for a subscription to The Dragon Lode) shall be set by the Board of Directors. Dues are applicable for 12 months. Membership census in ILA CL/R SIG is tallied and reported to ILA headquarters each May.
Section 4 - Arrears: Any member who has not paid dues by his/her renewal date becomes inactive.
Section 5 - International Dues: Membership in the International Literacy Association is required.
Section 6 - Subscriptions to The Dragon Lode: Members of the ILA CL/R SIG are entitled to a subscription to The Dragon Lode. Others may subscribe to The Dragon Lode by paying a subscription fee, but subscribers are not members unless they are also members of ILA.
Section 7 - Participation of Members: All members in good standing are encouraged to participate actively in all aspects of the organization.
Section 8 - Eligibility for Leadership: All Elected Officers, Appointed Officers, members of the Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, and members of Committees, Advisory Boards, and the ILA CL/R SIG Network must (1) be current members of both ILA and the ILA CL/R SIG and (2) be available for communication via email.
ARTICLE IV - Elected Officers
Section 1 - Elected Officers: The elected officers of the group shall be a Vice President, a President, a Past President, a Treasurer, and a Recording Secretary.
Section 2 - Term of Office: The term of office of the President shall be two years. The term of office of the President Elect shall be two years. The President Elect progresses to the office of President for two years, and Past President for two years. The terms of Treasurer and Recording Secretary shall be three years, however, these officers may be reelected for successive terms. A year prior to the end of the term the Treasurer, and Recording Secretary shall notify the Executive Committee whether or not he/she seeks reelection.
Section 3 - Time of Assuming Office: Each officer shall assume the duties of office on August 1, following the ILA Annual Conference.
Section 4 - Duties of President Elect: The President Elect shall serve as the coordinator of external programs and shall fulfill such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors. The President Elect serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors and is Executive Committee liaison to the Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode, the Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG Website, and the Membership/Publicity Committee. The President Elect chairs the Program Committee and also shall prepare a proposal for the annual ILA conference program which he/she will coordinate for two years as well as assist in assuring a program proposal is submitted for the annual NCTE conference. Should the office of President become vacant, the President Elect shall immediately assume the responsibilities of President and serve the unexpired portion of the President’s term. The President Elect shall assume and perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President.
Section 5 - Duties of President: The President shall act as the executive officer of the group and serve as the coordinator of internal programs. The President shall preside at all meetings of the group, shall serve as Chair of both the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and shall exercise general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the group, implementing its purposes. The President is the Executive Committee liaison for the Committee selecting Notable Books for a Global Society. The President also shall appoint an Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode.
Section 6 - Duties of the Past President: The Past President serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors in order to advise, provide continuity of leadership, and fulfill such other duties as are assigned by the Board of Directors. The Past President also serves as the liaison to the Nominating / Elections Committee and the Audit Committee.
Section 7 - Duties of Treasurer: The Treasurer serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Membership/Publicity Committee. The Treasurer shall: (1) collect dues; (2) maintain accurate and up-to-date records; (3) have custody of the funds of the group which shall be deposited in the name of Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the International Literacy Association (ILA CL/R SIG); (4) sign checks on behalf of the group; (5) cooperate fully with an annual audit at the ILA Convention, (6) annually prepare a proposed budget to authorize expenses for the forthcoming year to be approved by the Board of Directors at the May meeting, and (7) annually prepare a financial report of all assets and liabilities. Within thirty (30) days of retirement from office, the Treasurer shall turn over to the successor all funds, accounts, and books.
Section 8- Duties of Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Membership/Publicity Committee. The Recording Secretary shall: (1) record the happenings of all group meetings and all meetings of the Board of Directors, circulating minutes of board meetings to members via email within two months of the meetings; (2) keep a permanent folder of the approved minutes of all meetings and all Annual Activity Reports submitted to the Board of Directors; and (3) cooperate fully with the successor by turning over up-to-date records within thirty (30) days of retirement from office.
Section 9 - Interim Replacement: In the event of a vacancy in the office of President Elect, Treasurer, or Recording Secretary, or Elected Member-at-Large, the Board of Directors shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.
ARTICLE V - Appointed Officers
Section 1 - Appointed Officers: Appointed officers include the Editor(s) of The Dragon Lode, the Website Coordinator, the Membership Director, and the Ways and Means Director. These officers are appointed by the Board of Directors and serve as voting members of the Board of Directors. In their final year of service each appointed officer shall train his/her successor.
Section 2 - Term of Office: The term of office of the Editor(s) of The Dragon Lode as well as of the Website Coordinator, the Membership Director, and the Ways and Means Director shall be three years with the option of re-appointment for subsequent terms. A year prior to the end of his/her term, each appointed officer shall notify the Executive Committee whether or not he/she seeks reappointment. If a person holding an appointed office is unable or unwilling to fulfill designated responsibilities, the President has the authority to appoint a replacement prior to the end of the term.
Section 3 - Time of Assuming Office: Each appointed officer assumes the duties of office on July 1.
Section 4 - Duties of the Editor(s): The Editor(s) shall appoint and chair Editorial Review Board, and shall publish and distribute The Dragon Lode two times a year. The Editor(s) publish in The Dragon Lode the annual list of the Notable Books for a Global Society, and he/she (they) maintain bound copies of all journal volumes for archival purposes.
Section 5 - Duties of the Website Coordinator: The Website Coordinator shall appoint and chair an Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG Website, shall oversee content on the website, and shall encourage networking among members via the internet. The Website Coordinator also serves as a member of the Membership/Publicity Committee.
Section 6 - Duties of the Membership Director: The Membership Director is responsible for maintaining the vigor of the group through assertive recruitment of new and renewing members both at the annual ILA convention and throughout the year via multiple venues. The Membership Director (1) chairs the Membership/Publicity Committee, (2) maintains a data base of total membership, including latest addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and ILA membership numbers; (3) creates and maintains the membership form and is responsible for distributing membership forms at both spring and fall board meetings; and (4) sends renewal notices to all individuals whose memberships are expiring.
Section 7 – Duties of the Ways and Means Director: The Ways and Means Director is responsible for initiating planning discussions at Board meetings and overseeing fundraising activities. This person will work with his/her committee to promote and carrying out any such activities as well as encourage the involvement of CLR SIG membership in these endeavors.
ARTICLE VI - Board of Directors
Section 1 - Function: The Board of Directors is the policy-making body acting as stewards on behalf of the membership. It shall exercise general supervision over the property and affairs of the group. It is responsible for approving annual goals; finalizing the annual budget; appointing the Editor(s), the Website Coordinator, and the Membership Director; approving committee chairs and members; acting on proposals; reviewing annual reports of various officers and committees; articulating the group’s vision; establishing policy; and facilitating the implementation of the purposes of the group.
Section 2 - Composition: Voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of all current elected and appointed officers, the nine (9) elected members-at-large, and the Chair of the Notable Books for a Global Society Committee. Chairs of all standing committees not otherwise designated as voting members of the Board serve as non-voting members.
Section 3 - Board Members-at-Large: Annually three (3) new Board Members are elected, each serving a three-year term.
Section 4 - Meetings: The Board of Directors shall be empowered to hold such meetings as it shall deem necessary, on the call of the President, at such times and places as the President may determine, and to conduct necessary business online. At least two annual meetings shall be held each year, the first at the annual ILA convention and the second at the NCTE convention. Active participation in these meetings is a requirement for board membership. Physical attendance at conference meetings is encouraged; however, members who are unable to make the trip will be given a virtual attendance option. In the event of lack of participation in conference meetings, the board may appoint a replacement for the unexpired term of a board member.
Section 5 - Quorum: A quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of 51% of voting members.
ARTICLE VII - Assembly
Section 1 - Composition: The Assembly shall consist of the Board of Directors and all other members of the group.
Section 2 - Function: The Assembly shall be the empowerment and accountability body of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group and shall have full power and authority over the affairs of the group, within the limits set by these bylaws. It elects officers and Board Members, authorizes bylaws, and it shall have authority to review decisions made by the Board of Directors and to accept or reject them.
Section 3 - Quorum: A quorum shall consist of members present at the annual Assembly.
Section 4 - Meetings: The Assembly of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group shall meet one time each year at the ILA CL/R SIG program meeting at the ILA annual convention.
Section 5 - Amendments to the Bylaws: The Assembly of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group shall have the power to amend these bylaws as provided in Article XIII.
Section 6 - Statement of Objection: When members disapprove of action taken by the Board of Directors and wish to have that action rescinded or changed, they must present to the President by April 1 a written statement of objection, signed by ten members. The statement must be acknowledged at the Assembly and all members must have an opportunity to voice opinion on the matter (e.g., via the internet and email). The matter must be resolved by action of the Board by December 31 and, when needed, voted on by the members in the annual ballot. The final resolution must be announced at the next meeting of the Assembly.
ARTICLE VIII - Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1 - Election: The members shall elect a Vice President every two years; three new members-at-large of the Board of Directors annually, and other elected officers as needed. All officers shall be elected by electronic ballot sent to all members by the Nominating / Elections Committee. The deadline shall be determined by the Chair of the Nominating / Elections Committee but shall be no later than March 15.
Section 2 - Nominating Committee: The nominating Committee shall be composed of two (2) or three (3) members appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees annually. Each nominee must be a member of the International Literacy Association and the Children’s Literature and Reading SIG. Advance consent from each nominee shall be secured by the Committee. Nominees will be asked to review the SIG Bylaws and agree to attend all board meetings.
Section 3 - Mode of Election: A call for new officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be published in the Fall issue of The Dragon Lode and on the website. Following this announcement and on receipt of nominations, the Nominating / Elections Committee will prepare a slate of candidates for the vacant positions. This slate of candidates with their biographical statements and reflections on literature and literacy shall be included with ballot. Voting shall be by electronic ballot and there shall be one (1) or more nominee(s) for each vacant elective office. Space shall be provided on the ballot for the names of write-in candidates for each position. In case of a tie, a ballot for the two (2) highest nominees shall be distributed at the annual ILA meeting. The results of the election shall then be announced. The President shall be responsible for reporting the newly-elected officers to ILA Headquarters before September 30, using the official forms provided by ILA.
Section 4 - Term of Office: Each elected officer and Board Member shall assume the duties of office on August 1 following the ILA Annual Conference and shall continue to serve for the duration of the term ending on July 31 of the appropriate year. Should a Board Member be unable to serve, the candidate with the next largest number of votes in the annual election shall be invited to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. There being no such candidate, the Board of Directors shall appoint someone to complete the remainder of the term.
ARTICLE IX - Committees and Advisory Boards
Section 1 - Standing Committees: There shall be such standing Committees as specified in Article X of these bylaws. Where possible there shall be a carry-over of one (1) or two (2) members on each outgoing Standing Committee into the membership of the newly-formed Standing Committee.
Section 2 - Number of Standing Committees: The number of standing Committees may be increased or decreased upon action by the Board of Directors.
Section 3 - Number of Members on Standing Committees: The number of members on each Standing Committee shall be determined by the Board, provided that each Committee shall not have fewer than two (2) members.
Section 4 - Mode of Appointment and Terms of Standing Committees: The members of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the incoming President with the approval of the Board of Directors at the May Board Meeting and shall serve for one year with the possibility of renewal for subsequent terms to provide continuity of membership unless otherwise specified in these bylaws. When necessary, the President may appoint additional members to a committee to assure its effective operation.
Section 5 - Chairs of Standing Committees: The Chair of each Standing Committee shall be appointed yearly by the incoming President and approved by the Board of Directors at the spring Board meeting, except as specified in these bylaws.
Section 6 - Advisory Boards: There shall be an Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode, an Editorial Review Board for The Dragon Lode, and an Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG Website. These boards shall function as Standing Committees.
Section 7 - Ad Hoc Committees: Ad Hoc Committees may be authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors or members at the Assembly and shall serve for a specified period. The status of the Committee shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.
Section 8 - Number of Members on Ad Hoc Committees: The number of members on each Ad Hoc Committee shall be determined by the Board of Directors provided that the number of members shall not be fewer than two (2).
Section 9 - Mode of Appointment of Ad Hoc Committees: The members and Chairs of Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 10 - Annual Activity Reports: Chairs of all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees must submit to the Board of Directors via the President an annual written Activity Report prior to the annual Board Meeting at the ILA Convention and, if requested, to orally report at that meeting.
ARTICLE X - Standing Committees
Section 1 - Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President (who shall serve as Chair), the President-Elect, the Vice President, and the Past President. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President and shall conduct much of its work via email. The Executive Committee proposes annual goals for the group which are approved by the Board of Directors at the spring Board Meeting and initiates action, including delegating responsibility, to implement approved goals.
Section 2 - Membership / Publicity Committee: The Committee on Membership / Publicity, chaired by the Membership Director, is responsible for securing new members and retaining present members. Annually it shall conduct a membership campaign to increase membership, including action at the annual ILA Convention as well as activity throughout the year. This group is also responsible for verifying that all leaders (see Article III - Section 9) are current members of the group. The Recording Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Website Coordinator serve as members of this committee; the Vice President is Executive Committee liaison.
Section 3 - Program Committee: The Vice President shall chair the Program Committee. This committee shall make and implement all plans for the annual program held at the ILA Convention as well as submitting a proposal for the annual NCTE conference.
Section 4 - Nominating / Elections Committee: The Nominating Committee annually shall prepare a slate of nominees and shall conduct an election of Officers and Board Members by mail. Each nominee must be a member of the International Literacy Association and this SIG. Advance consent from each nominee shall be secured by the Committee. The Committee also assists the Vice-President in identifying Chairs and members for all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees for the succeeding year. The Past President serves as Executive Committee liaison.
Section 5 - The Committee to Select Notable Books for a Global Society (NBGS) Award: The Notable Books for a Global Society (NBGS) Committee shall consist of nine (9) members, including the Chair and the co-Chair, who must attend all meetings of the Committee (at both ILA and NCTE annual conventions) and perform all duties as directed by the Chair. Additionally, the past Chair serves as an advisor and the SIG President is the Executive Committee liaison. Three new members are appointed annually in January by the President and NBGS incoming Chair from among candidates who respond to the call for members for the Committee published in the fall issue of The Dragon Lode and on the website. The Co-Chair, selected in January by the incoming Chair and the President, becomes Chair in the succeeding year. As far as possible, the Committee members shall be representative of the SIG’s membership through gender, regions of residence, and professional positions (classroom teachers, teacher educators, librarians, and other such roles). Preference is given to applicants who have not served previously on the committee. The NBGS Committee solicits nominations for the award, prepares annotated lists of the winners for publication in The Dragon Lode and other related publications, orally presents the books at the annual Convention of ILA, notifies publishers when their books have won, and conducts other activities to promote this award.
Section 6 - Bylaws Committee: The Executive Committee shall continuously study the bylaws of this special interest group to determine if they are meeting current, as well as foreseeable, needs. When needed, a Bylaws Committee is constituted to recommend changes to the Bylaws. When constituted, the President and the Past President shall serve on the Bylaws Committee.
Section 7 - The Audit Committee: The Audit Committee is responsible for assuring that all fiscal matters are handled appropriately. They conduct an annual audit during the ILA Convention. The Treasurer provides all necessary records. The Past President is the Executive Committee liaison for this committee.
Section 8 - The Dragon Lode Advisory Board: The Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode advises the Editor(s) in matters pertaining to publishing and distributing the journal and will offer assistance and support as needed to the current editorial team to insure a timely publication of a high quality journal that positively reflects the CL-R SIG. The Vice President is the Executive Committee liaison for this Advisory Board. A minimum of two other board members are appointed by the board to serve on an annual basis and are approved by the Board of Directors at the May Board Meeting. The Advisory Board will coordinate the search for new editors for The Dragon Lode when needed including writing the call for editors, disseminating the call in appropriate venues, receiving and reviewing applications for the editorship, and making a recommendation to the board.
Section 9 - Editorial Review Board for The Dragon Lode: The Editorial Review Board for The Dragon Lode assists the Editor(s) in selecting articles, themes, etc., for The Dragon Lode. Members of this Review Board are appointed by the Editor(s) to serve on an annual basis and are approved by The Dragon Lode Advisory Board. The Editor(s) chair this group.
Section 10 - ILA CL/R SIG Website Advisory Board: The Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG advises the Website Coordinator in the publication of the group’s website on the internet and reviews/approves content on the site. This group is chaired by the Website Coordinator. The Vice President is the Executive Committee liaison for this Advisory Board. Other members are appointed by the board to serve on an annual basis.
ARTICLE XI - Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the proceedings of this group except in cases governed by the constitution, bylaws, and special rules adopted by this group.
ARTICLE XII - Dissolution
In the case of the dissolution of this group, any assets remaining after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the group will revert to the International Literacy Association. Rationale: It is necessary for this article to be included in the bylaws of all U.S. groups in order to fulfill the requirements of the ILA Group Income Tax Exemption. All ILA groups are included in the group exemption under the provisions of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code for nonprofit organizations –– this is why groups are also required to obtain an Employer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service. this clause in the bylaws is also important when a group applies for a nonprofit mailing permit.
ARTICLE XIII - Amendments
Section 1 - Origin: Amendments to the bylaws shall be proposed by (1) a quorum of the Board of Directors; (2) the Bylaws Committee; or (3) by a majority of the voting members present at the Assembly.
Section 2 - Procedures for Amending: Amendments may be adopted by the affirmative vote of two thirds of the CL-R SIG board members at either board meeting (spring or fall) or by balloting the board members by mail or email. The amendments must have been circulated to each voting member of the CL-R SIG board at least thirty (30) days in advance of the board meeting at which the voting on the amendments is to take place.
Section 3 - Incorporation: Amendments adopted as described in Section 2 shall be incorporated into these bylaws. Copies of all amendments shall immediately be sent to ILA Headquarters.
ARTICLE I - Name and Area Served
The group shall be called the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group serving the interested members of the International Literacy Association (ILA).
ARTICLE II - Nature and Purposes
Section 1- Nature: The Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group (ILA CL/R SIG) shall be a professional organization of individuals who are concerned with the improvement of literacy through literature.
Section 2 - Purpose: The purpose of this Special Interest Group shall be
- To provide a branch of the International Literacy Association that is concerned specifically with literature written for and read by children prekindergarten through grade 12 (preK-12).
- To maintain an awareness of recent publications in the field of children’s literature.
- To promote the utilization of children’s books in the school reading program.
- To inform the membership regarding results and implications of research in children’s literature.
- To provide an outlet to the membership for expressing varying viewpoints concerning children’s literature.
- To provide a medium for the exchange of creative uses of children’s books.
- To promote reading as a worthwhile recreational activity among children.
- To publish a refereed journal, titled The Dragon Lode (ISSN: 1098-6448) two times a year.
ARTICLE III - Membership, Dues, and Participation
Section 1 - Eligibility: Membership in this special interest group shall be open to all members of ILA including classroom teachers, instructors, administrators, publishers, authors, parents, and others interested in children’s literature and using children’s books for literacy development.
Section 2 - Active Members: Membership in this special interest group shall become effective upon payment of dues for both ILA and the ILA CL/R SIG.
Section 3 - Group Dues: Dues for annual membership in this special interest group (equal to the amount for a subscription to The Dragon Lode) shall be set by the Board of Directors. Dues are applicable for 12 months. Membership census in ILA CL/R SIG is tallied and reported to ILA headquarters each May.
Section 4 - Arrears: Any member who has not paid dues by his/her renewal date becomes inactive.
Section 5 - International Dues: Membership in the International Literacy Association is required.
Section 6 - Subscriptions to The Dragon Lode: Members of the ILA CL/R SIG are entitled to a subscription to The Dragon Lode. Others may subscribe to The Dragon Lode by paying a subscription fee, but subscribers are not members unless they are also members of ILA.
Section 7 - Participation of Members: All members in good standing are encouraged to participate actively in all aspects of the organization.
Section 8 - Eligibility for Leadership: All Elected Officers, Appointed Officers, members of the Board of Directors, Committee Chairs, and members of Committees, Advisory Boards, and the ILA CL/R SIG Network must (1) be current members of both ILA and the ILA CL/R SIG and (2) be available for communication via email.
ARTICLE IV - Elected Officers
Section 1 - Elected Officers: The elected officers of the group shall be a Vice President, a President, a Past President, a Treasurer, and a Recording Secretary.
Section 2 - Term of Office: The term of office of the President shall be two years. The term of office of the President Elect shall be two years. The President Elect progresses to the office of President for two years, and Past President for two years. The terms of Treasurer and Recording Secretary shall be three years, however, these officers may be reelected for successive terms. A year prior to the end of the term the Treasurer, and Recording Secretary shall notify the Executive Committee whether or not he/she seeks reelection.
Section 3 - Time of Assuming Office: Each officer shall assume the duties of office on August 1, following the ILA Annual Conference.
Section 4 - Duties of President Elect: The President Elect shall serve as the coordinator of external programs and shall fulfill such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors. The President Elect serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors and is Executive Committee liaison to the Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode, the Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG Website, and the Membership/Publicity Committee. The President Elect chairs the Program Committee and also shall prepare a proposal for the annual ILA conference program which he/she will coordinate for two years as well as assist in assuring a program proposal is submitted for the annual NCTE conference. Should the office of President become vacant, the President Elect shall immediately assume the responsibilities of President and serve the unexpired portion of the President’s term. The President Elect shall assume and perform the duties of the President in the event of the absence, incapacity, or resignation of the President.
Section 5 - Duties of President: The President shall act as the executive officer of the group and serve as the coordinator of internal programs. The President shall preside at all meetings of the group, shall serve as Chair of both the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, and shall exercise general leadership and supervision over the affairs of the group, implementing its purposes. The President is the Executive Committee liaison for the Committee selecting Notable Books for a Global Society. The President also shall appoint an Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode.
Section 6 - Duties of the Past President: The Past President serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors in order to advise, provide continuity of leadership, and fulfill such other duties as are assigned by the Board of Directors. The Past President also serves as the liaison to the Nominating / Elections Committee and the Audit Committee.
Section 7 - Duties of Treasurer: The Treasurer serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Membership/Publicity Committee. The Treasurer shall: (1) collect dues; (2) maintain accurate and up-to-date records; (3) have custody of the funds of the group which shall be deposited in the name of Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the International Literacy Association (ILA CL/R SIG); (4) sign checks on behalf of the group; (5) cooperate fully with an annual audit at the ILA Convention, (6) annually prepare a proposed budget to authorize expenses for the forthcoming year to be approved by the Board of Directors at the May meeting, and (7) annually prepare a financial report of all assets and liabilities. Within thirty (30) days of retirement from office, the Treasurer shall turn over to the successor all funds, accounts, and books.
Section 8- Duties of Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Membership/Publicity Committee. The Recording Secretary shall: (1) record the happenings of all group meetings and all meetings of the Board of Directors, circulating minutes of board meetings to members via email within two months of the meetings; (2) keep a permanent folder of the approved minutes of all meetings and all Annual Activity Reports submitted to the Board of Directors; and (3) cooperate fully with the successor by turning over up-to-date records within thirty (30) days of retirement from office.
Section 9 - Interim Replacement: In the event of a vacancy in the office of President Elect, Treasurer, or Recording Secretary, or Elected Member-at-Large, the Board of Directors shall have the power to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.
ARTICLE V - Appointed Officers
Section 1 - Appointed Officers: Appointed officers include the Editor(s) of The Dragon Lode, the Website Coordinator, the Membership Director, and the Ways and Means Director. These officers are appointed by the Board of Directors and serve as voting members of the Board of Directors. In their final year of service each appointed officer shall train his/her successor.
Section 2 - Term of Office: The term of office of the Editor(s) of The Dragon Lode as well as of the Website Coordinator, the Membership Director, and the Ways and Means Director shall be three years with the option of re-appointment for subsequent terms. A year prior to the end of his/her term, each appointed officer shall notify the Executive Committee whether or not he/she seeks reappointment. If a person holding an appointed office is unable or unwilling to fulfill designated responsibilities, the President has the authority to appoint a replacement prior to the end of the term.
Section 3 - Time of Assuming Office: Each appointed officer assumes the duties of office on July 1.
Section 4 - Duties of the Editor(s): The Editor(s) shall appoint and chair Editorial Review Board, and shall publish and distribute The Dragon Lode two times a year. The Editor(s) publish in The Dragon Lode the annual list of the Notable Books for a Global Society, and he/she (they) maintain bound copies of all journal volumes for archival purposes.
Section 5 - Duties of the Website Coordinator: The Website Coordinator shall appoint and chair an Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG Website, shall oversee content on the website, and shall encourage networking among members via the internet. The Website Coordinator also serves as a member of the Membership/Publicity Committee.
Section 6 - Duties of the Membership Director: The Membership Director is responsible for maintaining the vigor of the group through assertive recruitment of new and renewing members both at the annual ILA convention and throughout the year via multiple venues. The Membership Director (1) chairs the Membership/Publicity Committee, (2) maintains a data base of total membership, including latest addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and ILA membership numbers; (3) creates and maintains the membership form and is responsible for distributing membership forms at both spring and fall board meetings; and (4) sends renewal notices to all individuals whose memberships are expiring.
Section 7 – Duties of the Ways and Means Director: The Ways and Means Director is responsible for initiating planning discussions at Board meetings and overseeing fundraising activities. This person will work with his/her committee to promote and carrying out any such activities as well as encourage the involvement of CLR SIG membership in these endeavors.
ARTICLE VI - Board of Directors
Section 1 - Function: The Board of Directors is the policy-making body acting as stewards on behalf of the membership. It shall exercise general supervision over the property and affairs of the group. It is responsible for approving annual goals; finalizing the annual budget; appointing the Editor(s), the Website Coordinator, and the Membership Director; approving committee chairs and members; acting on proposals; reviewing annual reports of various officers and committees; articulating the group’s vision; establishing policy; and facilitating the implementation of the purposes of the group.
Section 2 - Composition: Voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of all current elected and appointed officers, the nine (9) elected members-at-large, and the Chair of the Notable Books for a Global Society Committee. Chairs of all standing committees not otherwise designated as voting members of the Board serve as non-voting members.
Section 3 - Board Members-at-Large: Annually three (3) new Board Members are elected, each serving a three-year term.
Section 4 - Meetings: The Board of Directors shall be empowered to hold such meetings as it shall deem necessary, on the call of the President, at such times and places as the President may determine, and to conduct necessary business online. At least two annual meetings shall be held each year, the first at the annual ILA convention and the second at the NCTE convention. Active participation in these meetings is a requirement for board membership. Physical attendance at conference meetings is encouraged; however, members who are unable to make the trip will be given a virtual attendance option. In the event of lack of participation in conference meetings, the board may appoint a replacement for the unexpired term of a board member.
Section 5 - Quorum: A quorum for a meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of 51% of voting members.
ARTICLE VII - Assembly
Section 1 - Composition: The Assembly shall consist of the Board of Directors and all other members of the group.
Section 2 - Function: The Assembly shall be the empowerment and accountability body of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group and shall have full power and authority over the affairs of the group, within the limits set by these bylaws. It elects officers and Board Members, authorizes bylaws, and it shall have authority to review decisions made by the Board of Directors and to accept or reject them.
Section 3 - Quorum: A quorum shall consist of members present at the annual Assembly.
Section 4 - Meetings: The Assembly of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group shall meet one time each year at the ILA CL/R SIG program meeting at the ILA annual convention.
Section 5 - Amendments to the Bylaws: The Assembly of the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group shall have the power to amend these bylaws as provided in Article XIII.
Section 6 - Statement of Objection: When members disapprove of action taken by the Board of Directors and wish to have that action rescinded or changed, they must present to the President by April 1 a written statement of objection, signed by ten members. The statement must be acknowledged at the Assembly and all members must have an opportunity to voice opinion on the matter (e.g., via the internet and email). The matter must be resolved by action of the Board by December 31 and, when needed, voted on by the members in the annual ballot. The final resolution must be announced at the next meeting of the Assembly.
ARTICLE VIII - Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1 - Election: The members shall elect a Vice President every two years; three new members-at-large of the Board of Directors annually, and other elected officers as needed. All officers shall be elected by electronic ballot sent to all members by the Nominating / Elections Committee. The deadline shall be determined by the Chair of the Nominating / Elections Committee but shall be no later than March 15.
Section 2 - Nominating Committee: The nominating Committee shall be composed of two (2) or three (3) members appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees annually. Each nominee must be a member of the International Literacy Association and the Children’s Literature and Reading SIG. Advance consent from each nominee shall be secured by the Committee. Nominees will be asked to review the SIG Bylaws and agree to attend all board meetings.
Section 3 - Mode of Election: A call for new officers and members of the Board of Directors shall be published in the Fall issue of The Dragon Lode and on the website. Following this announcement and on receipt of nominations, the Nominating / Elections Committee will prepare a slate of candidates for the vacant positions. This slate of candidates with their biographical statements and reflections on literature and literacy shall be included with ballot. Voting shall be by electronic ballot and there shall be one (1) or more nominee(s) for each vacant elective office. Space shall be provided on the ballot for the names of write-in candidates for each position. In case of a tie, a ballot for the two (2) highest nominees shall be distributed at the annual ILA meeting. The results of the election shall then be announced. The President shall be responsible for reporting the newly-elected officers to ILA Headquarters before September 30, using the official forms provided by ILA.
Section 4 - Term of Office: Each elected officer and Board Member shall assume the duties of office on August 1 following the ILA Annual Conference and shall continue to serve for the duration of the term ending on July 31 of the appropriate year. Should a Board Member be unable to serve, the candidate with the next largest number of votes in the annual election shall be invited to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. There being no such candidate, the Board of Directors shall appoint someone to complete the remainder of the term.
ARTICLE IX - Committees and Advisory Boards
Section 1 - Standing Committees: There shall be such standing Committees as specified in Article X of these bylaws. Where possible there shall be a carry-over of one (1) or two (2) members on each outgoing Standing Committee into the membership of the newly-formed Standing Committee.
Section 2 - Number of Standing Committees: The number of standing Committees may be increased or decreased upon action by the Board of Directors.
Section 3 - Number of Members on Standing Committees: The number of members on each Standing Committee shall be determined by the Board, provided that each Committee shall not have fewer than two (2) members.
Section 4 - Mode of Appointment and Terms of Standing Committees: The members of the Standing Committees shall be appointed by the incoming President with the approval of the Board of Directors at the May Board Meeting and shall serve for one year with the possibility of renewal for subsequent terms to provide continuity of membership unless otherwise specified in these bylaws. When necessary, the President may appoint additional members to a committee to assure its effective operation.
Section 5 - Chairs of Standing Committees: The Chair of each Standing Committee shall be appointed yearly by the incoming President and approved by the Board of Directors at the spring Board meeting, except as specified in these bylaws.
Section 6 - Advisory Boards: There shall be an Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode, an Editorial Review Board for The Dragon Lode, and an Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG Website. These boards shall function as Standing Committees.
Section 7 - Ad Hoc Committees: Ad Hoc Committees may be authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors or members at the Assembly and shall serve for a specified period. The status of the Committee shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors.
Section 8 - Number of Members on Ad Hoc Committees: The number of members on each Ad Hoc Committee shall be determined by the Board of Directors provided that the number of members shall not be fewer than two (2).
Section 9 - Mode of Appointment of Ad Hoc Committees: The members and Chairs of Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 10 - Annual Activity Reports: Chairs of all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees must submit to the Board of Directors via the President an annual written Activity Report prior to the annual Board Meeting at the ILA Convention and, if requested, to orally report at that meeting.
ARTICLE X - Standing Committees
Section 1 - Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President (who shall serve as Chair), the President-Elect, the Vice President, and the Past President. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President and shall conduct much of its work via email. The Executive Committee proposes annual goals for the group which are approved by the Board of Directors at the spring Board Meeting and initiates action, including delegating responsibility, to implement approved goals.
Section 2 - Membership / Publicity Committee: The Committee on Membership / Publicity, chaired by the Membership Director, is responsible for securing new members and retaining present members. Annually it shall conduct a membership campaign to increase membership, including action at the annual ILA Convention as well as activity throughout the year. This group is also responsible for verifying that all leaders (see Article III - Section 9) are current members of the group. The Recording Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Website Coordinator serve as members of this committee; the Vice President is Executive Committee liaison.
Section 3 - Program Committee: The Vice President shall chair the Program Committee. This committee shall make and implement all plans for the annual program held at the ILA Convention as well as submitting a proposal for the annual NCTE conference.
Section 4 - Nominating / Elections Committee: The Nominating Committee annually shall prepare a slate of nominees and shall conduct an election of Officers and Board Members by mail. Each nominee must be a member of the International Literacy Association and this SIG. Advance consent from each nominee shall be secured by the Committee. The Committee also assists the Vice-President in identifying Chairs and members for all Standing and Ad Hoc Committees for the succeeding year. The Past President serves as Executive Committee liaison.
Section 5 - The Committee to Select Notable Books for a Global Society (NBGS) Award: The Notable Books for a Global Society (NBGS) Committee shall consist of nine (9) members, including the Chair and the co-Chair, who must attend all meetings of the Committee (at both ILA and NCTE annual conventions) and perform all duties as directed by the Chair. Additionally, the past Chair serves as an advisor and the SIG President is the Executive Committee liaison. Three new members are appointed annually in January by the President and NBGS incoming Chair from among candidates who respond to the call for members for the Committee published in the fall issue of The Dragon Lode and on the website. The Co-Chair, selected in January by the incoming Chair and the President, becomes Chair in the succeeding year. As far as possible, the Committee members shall be representative of the SIG’s membership through gender, regions of residence, and professional positions (classroom teachers, teacher educators, librarians, and other such roles). Preference is given to applicants who have not served previously on the committee. The NBGS Committee solicits nominations for the award, prepares annotated lists of the winners for publication in The Dragon Lode and other related publications, orally presents the books at the annual Convention of ILA, notifies publishers when their books have won, and conducts other activities to promote this award.
Section 6 - Bylaws Committee: The Executive Committee shall continuously study the bylaws of this special interest group to determine if they are meeting current, as well as foreseeable, needs. When needed, a Bylaws Committee is constituted to recommend changes to the Bylaws. When constituted, the President and the Past President shall serve on the Bylaws Committee.
Section 7 - The Audit Committee: The Audit Committee is responsible for assuring that all fiscal matters are handled appropriately. They conduct an annual audit during the ILA Convention. The Treasurer provides all necessary records. The Past President is the Executive Committee liaison for this committee.
Section 8 - The Dragon Lode Advisory Board: The Advisory Board for The Dragon Lode advises the Editor(s) in matters pertaining to publishing and distributing the journal and will offer assistance and support as needed to the current editorial team to insure a timely publication of a high quality journal that positively reflects the CL-R SIG. The Vice President is the Executive Committee liaison for this Advisory Board. A minimum of two other board members are appointed by the board to serve on an annual basis and are approved by the Board of Directors at the May Board Meeting. The Advisory Board will coordinate the search for new editors for The Dragon Lode when needed including writing the call for editors, disseminating the call in appropriate venues, receiving and reviewing applications for the editorship, and making a recommendation to the board.
Section 9 - Editorial Review Board for The Dragon Lode: The Editorial Review Board for The Dragon Lode assists the Editor(s) in selecting articles, themes, etc., for The Dragon Lode. Members of this Review Board are appointed by the Editor(s) to serve on an annual basis and are approved by The Dragon Lode Advisory Board. The Editor(s) chair this group.
Section 10 - ILA CL/R SIG Website Advisory Board: The Advisory Board for the ILA CL/R SIG advises the Website Coordinator in the publication of the group’s website on the internet and reviews/approves content on the site. This group is chaired by the Website Coordinator. The Vice President is the Executive Committee liaison for this Advisory Board. Other members are appointed by the board to serve on an annual basis.
ARTICLE XI - Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the proceedings of this group except in cases governed by the constitution, bylaws, and special rules adopted by this group.
ARTICLE XII - Dissolution
In the case of the dissolution of this group, any assets remaining after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the group will revert to the International Literacy Association. Rationale: It is necessary for this article to be included in the bylaws of all U.S. groups in order to fulfill the requirements of the ILA Group Income Tax Exemption. All ILA groups are included in the group exemption under the provisions of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code for nonprofit organizations –– this is why groups are also required to obtain an Employer Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service. this clause in the bylaws is also important when a group applies for a nonprofit mailing permit.
ARTICLE XIII - Amendments
Section 1 - Origin: Amendments to the bylaws shall be proposed by (1) a quorum of the Board of Directors; (2) the Bylaws Committee; or (3) by a majority of the voting members present at the Assembly.
Section 2 - Procedures for Amending: Amendments may be adopted by the affirmative vote of two thirds of the CL-R SIG board members at either board meeting (spring or fall) or by balloting the board members by mail or email. The amendments must have been circulated to each voting member of the CL-R SIG board at least thirty (30) days in advance of the board meeting at which the voting on the amendments is to take place.
Section 3 - Incorporation: Amendments adopted as described in Section 2 shall be incorporated into these bylaws. Copies of all amendments shall immediately be sent to ILA Headquarters.
- To provide a forum for members of the International Literacy Association who are concerned specifically with literature written for and read by children.
- To maintain an awareness of recent publications in the field of children’s literature.
- To promote the utilization of children’s books in the school reading program.
- To inform the membership regarding results and implications of research in children’s literature.
- To provide an outlet to the membership for expressing varying viewpoints concerning children’s literature.
- To provide a medium for the exchange of creative uses of children’s books.
- To publish in the Spring and Fall, a refereed journal—The Dragon Lode—which includes these features:
- Articles relating to the use of children’s literature in the teaching of reading,
- Book reviews on recent publications, and
- News of presentations, institutes or conferences related to literature for children.